Joe's Comfort Air, LLC HVAC COVID-19 Coronavirus Notice
Since 2001, Joe's Comfort Air has strived to provide honest and reliable services to the families and companies we serve in the Rio Grande Valley. Despite the recent rescinding of statewide mask mandates and capacity limits on businesses in Texas, Joe's Comfort Air, LLC will continue to stay vigilant during this health crisis. We continue to have a strong obligation to take extra precautionary measures to help maintain the health of our community. Our number one priority is prevention and preserving the health of our staff and the clients we serve. As such, Joe's Comfort Air continues to require masks to be worn by both employees and clients at all times while on our premises and while receiving services (regardless if vaccinated).
We will otherwise continue to serve our clientele without interruption. We will maintain the exceptional level of service and professionalism. We are grateful for the community we serve and thank you for continuing to trust in our company for your HVAC needs.
We continue to follow guidelines from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). We are monitoring new information as it is released and adjusting accordingly. We recognize that much of the services we offer require in-person encounters at a home or business and so we want to take the time to communicate with you about the following measures that we are taking to prevent exposure.
What have we implemented for our employees?
Upon entering our office, employees are required to wash their hands for a minimum of 20 seconds using soap and water.
We are providing all technicians with soap and hand sanitizers to use between and during service calls.
Our office staff is communicating our customer’s requirements concerning COVID-19 and preparing our employees to follow those requirements.
Any employee showing any symptoms of an acute illness are asked to stay home until they are free of fever (100.4*F), signs of a fever, or any other symptoms for at least 24 hours at the start of their shift.
We’ve reminded our employees to use standard health precautions such as the following:
Cover your cough/sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects or surfaces regularly.
Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Avoid shaking hands
How does the Coronavirus affect our customers?
We ask that if your home/company has any precautionary requirements in place, please call and communicate those to us in advance so that we can prepare our technicians accordingly. Additionally, you may mention these to technicians when they arrive to your home/business.
Please call and advise our office if anyone in your home/business is ill or been exposed to the coronavirus prior to us dispatching a service technician. When scheduling a service call/installation, you may be asked if anyone in your home/business has had symptoms of illness or if anyone in your home/business has been exposed to coronavirus either through travel or contact with us who have confirmed cases.
Our technicians will not be shaking hands to prevent the spread of any illnesses.
Technicians are actively using hand sanitizer during and between service calls/installations.
Joe's Comfort Air, LLC has access to a few options to better your air quality during this time of concern for airborne illnesses. Call us if you’d like more information about the options we offer to help prevent the spread of airborne illnesses. We will continue, as we have always done, to provide exceptional service and products. We thank you for continuing to trust in our company to be your HVAC service provider.